Street View of Magicomp

Downloads and Information – Updated 11/24/24

  1. Magicmike Support to control your screen from remote and assist with problems.
    Save to DESKTOP to make things easier in future to assist.
    If your internet is not working or computer repair is needed CLICK “CONTACT US” BUTTON
    on MENU above to see if MIKE is in OFFICE! (Updated Regularly). Save to DESKTOP and run.
  2. Advanced System Care 18 Clean Up your system. Good utility. (10/16/24)
    Don’t install DRIVER BOOSTER or any other program asked to install with it. (Use JRT)
  3. IOBit Uninstaller 14 (10/16/24)
  4. FREE AVG 2024 Antivirus Software NEWEST
    Do NOT install AVG Browser or other add-ons (Uncheck them)
  5. JAVA by Oracle Software Download Version 461
  6. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC – For Reading .PDF Files
    (Uncheck any other added programs like Google Toolbar or Mcafee before downloading)
  7. Partition Wizard 12 (Allows to resize and copy drives)
  8. Media Creation Tool 21H2 –
  9. DOS emulator for windows 10 to run old DOS programs.
  10. FREE Scan to PDF (Scan and save to PDF file or convert PICTURE to PDF.)
  11. Speccy System Info – tells all about your computer 32 or 64 bit. (NEW 12/7/23)
  12. Google Chrome Browser 105.0.5195.127 Better and Faster (Instead of Firefox and IE)
  13. JRT – Junk Removal Tool 8.1.4 Removes Ads and Fake Searches etc.
    (Save to Desktop and Run)
  14. Print Spooler Repair Tool – Fix Spooler for most printer problems.
    (Save to Desktop and Run)
  15. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 for Win7/8 32bit
  16. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 for XP (Microsoft has stopped supporting version 6).
  17. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 for Win7/8 64bit
  18. Mozilla Firefox Browser 50.0.2 (Instead of Internet Explorer)
  19. Registry editor if problem with Regedit (Save to Desktop and Run)
  20. Hard Drive analyzer – see if drive is good and how long been used.
  21. Adwcleaner 6.0.4 – Great Junk Adware/Spyware Remover (Save to Desktop and Run)
  22. RogueKiller.exe – 32 bit – Another Virus Process Killer for XP or other 32bit.
  23. RogueKiller.exe – 64 bit – Another Virus Process Killer Win7 or 8 64bit.
  24. TDSSKiller – – Fix rootkit virus that Malwarebytes and AVG don’t find (01/22/16)
  25. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool – Fix rootkit virus that Malwarebytes and AVG don’t find (07/17/12)
  26. Adobe FLASH Player
    (Uncheck any other added programs like Google Toolbar or Mcafee before downloading)
  27. Adobe Shockwave Player
    (Uncheck any other added programs like Google Toolbar or Mcafee before downloading)
  28. Security Task Manager – See if any spy processes are running (10/08/08)
  29. Burn Aware FREE 8.9.0 – Burn DVDs/CDs/Etc. (03/02/16)
  30. *NEW* Version 1.1 Championship Partido Pong Jaialai Game by Magicomp. (02/06/12)
  31. Microsoft Office Update to allow pre-2007 versions of Office to read .docx files. 01/6/2010
  32. Malware Bytes Remover – if errors in Malwarebytes run this then reinstall
  33. Unhide.exe – Make documents and icons that were invisibilized by a virus come back.
  34. rkill.exe – Kill Virus Processes.
  35. VLC Player 3.0.16 for music and video files – (07/14/21)
  36. Microsoft Uninstaller to remove stuck installers and older programs.
  37. AOL Desktop Download for those paying $4.95 monthly (reinstall program).
  38. Network Socket Fixer to fix internet problems and some hijacked connections.
    (check all on left side and fix selected)
  39. (Great source for Programs and Utilities)
  40. AVG Forced Uninstaller in case it won’t uninstall regularly.
  41. Pandora Create your own custom radio station based on songs you like.
  42. PicResize Compress your Supersize Pictures from Digital Camera to small emailable ones.
  43. Lunapic Edit Pictures, Transparencies, Effects, Etc.
  44. PicFont Add Text to photos – Great Photo Editor Easy to use.
  45. Convert PDF, DOC, JPG, TIFF, etc to other forms (PDF->JPG, DOC->JPG, JPG->PDF)
  46. Manipulate PDF files. Extract, Create, Convert to html doc jpg etc.
  47. (Great source for Programs and Utilities)
  48. Widget Magic – A Collection of Games and Other Neat Apps.
  49. Vendor List for Locating Drivers and Phone Numbers
  50. Adobe Flash Player for Android 4.0 Tablets and Phones that were erased on last upgrade
  51. Need to view flash content on websites using an IPAD or IPHONE?
    Download PHOTON browser (It’s $4.99 or less)

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